sk lumen heavenly rosy silver glowy aesthetic

13 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About Me

tea green black jasmine earl grey

1. I don’t drink coffee or soda. I’m an avid tea drinker and my favorites are green tea with jasmine, black tea with bergamot, and spicy tchai tea. I’m big on tea because of the obvious health benefits – it’s loaded with antioxidants, it helps clear your skin, calms or energizes you, to name a few. Besides, nothing compares to a cozy cup of warm, fragrant tea late in the evening alongside your favorite tv show. My daily morning routine also begins with a cup of black tea, no questions asked.

vegan veganism vegetarianism cuisine diet lifestyle animal compassion

2. I’ve been vegetarian since 2010, and transitioned to vegan as of 2020. I generally prefer to keep this aspect private because of the reactions I’ve received in the first years of transitioning. Back then, nobody knew much about vegetarianism or veganism. Whether family, friends, colleagues or acquaintances, I was the only one in my circle who had “a different diet” and chose not to eat meat. With time, I got used to all the questions, odd reactions and snide remarks, so much that it became second nature to pay them no mind.

Because it was my decision, my way of living my life, my right to choose kindness towards both myself through a healthier diet, and towards other animals through avoiding unnecessary cruelty. I admire those that have the energy and character to be activists, to stand up and make a difference. However, as a pacifist, I like to lead by example, by gently educating others when asked, and otherwise focus my energy on living my life in alignment with my ethics and values to the best of my ability.

astrology moon capricorn sun sign zodiac esoteric mystery

3. I have Moon in Capricorn, which explains why I’m such a workaholic, and why I value ambition and self-development almost above all else (the first being kindness). Last but not least, I approach all things in life from a practical, business-like point of view – is it an investment worth my energy and as such an asset, or a waste of my energy and as such a liability?

book paper text page

4. I know 3 languages fluently (which includes my native language and English), and another 6 at beginner level (Spanish, Latin, Irish Gaelic, Norwegian, Japanese). In 2021, I want to develop at least 1 of the latter.

sk lumen hollywood glamour art sketch portrait drawing retro vintage
“Hollywood Glamour”, a recent profile study of mine.

5. 1940s-50s style is my favorite fashion style – yes to the glamorous femme fatale hair, the red lips and false lashes, the silk gowns and glamorous decor (we’re talking Hollywood aesthetics, not the backwards values or social norms). 60s & 70s style I like least.

Lumen's notebooks while writing Arcanum of Thorns
My writing notes across 15 years, for Arcanum Of Thorns.

6. I’ve been writing for aproximately 15 years, and drawing/painting for 20. My third book is Arcanum of Thorns, a series which I’m still working on – on book 2 to be exact. If someone wants to know me, those books carry my living, breathing heart & soul. All you need to know about me is in that magical otherworld.

sk lumen heavenly rosy silver glowy aesthetic

7. I’m very particular about what I like and don’t like. That extends to aesthetics, colors, perfumes, shapes, hairstyles or anything else, which is why I love customizing every aspect of my life. After all, if you know what you like, why shouldn’t you surround yourself with whatever makes you happier?

close up of pink flowers

8. Favorite notes in perfume are jasmine, bulgarian rose, amber, sandalwood, frankincense. Anything with white flowers, woodsy, spicy, animalic, or oriental notes is right up my alley. In fact, I like to layer my skincare products so my body lotion smells like dreamy pink bulgarian roses, and apply my favorite perfumes after. My most favorite perfume is Dita Von Teese by the burlesque queen herself (and which I am still heartbroken over being discontinued).

blanket bloom blooming blossom

9. My favorite trope in books is the found family one, always and forever, the bread and butter of my reading pleasures. (I’m looking at you, Maggie Stiefvater, and your raven boys that live rent-free in my head – may the universe bless your genial writer’s mind.)

laptop on desk near lush houseplant

10. I don’t like cutting corners. I like things being done in an efficient, immaculate manner. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, but it has to be well done. There’s nothing worse than having to mop up another’s messy work.

SK Lumen
Wearing my favorite faux leather corset.

11. I generally wear only black clothes, with occasional red accents. Courtesy of my love affair with gothic fashion, which was my first fashion aesthetic. Now, my style is a mix of 50s femme fatale glamour, nugoth fashion, minimalism, and CEO bossbabe aesthetic.

tanned woman with long hair in white dress

12. You would never ever catch me wearing UGGs, crocs, bright pink lipsticks, neon colors, having a tan, wearing jean miniskirts/blue jeans. I may have a parallel reality self who’s a sunkissed, barefoot hippie wearing tie-dyed organic hemp clothes, living happily in a close-knit community, but I keep her in my head. Occasionally, she pops up when I write scenes set in the village of Xandrias from Arcanum Of Thorns (that’s my private Tumblr moodboard for organic farming/vegan lifestyle/tribal community/utopia with free healthcare, food and residence – if that’s your jam, you’re welcome).

animal cat face close up feline

13. I have a theory I must have been a cat in some past life. They love sleeping all day (I could be the busiest person in the world and I’d still choose to sleep in/sleep at least 10h a day), they’re cuddly to their chosen companions, and they do what they want. I love all animals, but I’m definitely a cat person. Maybe in 10 years I’ll be sitting in my house’s back yard with my 5 cats, a hall full of my paintings, and a library overflowing with my books.

art creativity passion financial freedom

14. My dreamgoal has always been to do what I love for a living. Namely, to use all my creativity (art, writing, design & more) as a way to make a positive change in the world, while also achieving financial freedom in the process. It is any entrepreneur, artist or boss babe’s goal to make a career out of their passions and hobbies, and achieve financial success while doing it.

See you next time darlings! 😘

Much love always...

💋 Lumen

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