1. Good Manners

First and foremost, being classy begins with having good manners. She knows that small details like using please and thank you daily, with everyone, is a sign of good manners. It shows you’re polite and respectful, it shows you value other people’s assistance and their time, whatever the scenario may be. This ties in with having a nurturing, harmonious energy, which comes naturally as a result of channeling your divine feminine.
A classy woman always strives to be nice, and that includes staff providing service of any kind, whether it is IT support, an assistant in a fashion store, a fruit vendor at a market, or a flower boutique. Whatever the case, she shows respect to everyone (but that doesn’t mean she is a doormat or lets anyone walk over her).
Good manners also includes being versed in etiquette (table manners, bringing gifts when invited to someone’s home, not chewing with your mouth open, covering your mouth when sneezing or coughing and other basic etiquette rules that should go without saying). If you’re not comfortable in your current level of knowledge, don’t fret – just do your research online or add a few books to your level up collection. Let’s not forget that when we feel comfortable with ourselves, we are naturally more confident, and confident is always more classy! Plus, the whole point of social etiquette is knowing how to confidently navigate social settings without worrying what to do next.
2. Striving to Look Good Every Day

She looks like she put in the effort. Whatever she is wearing, be it jeans or a sporty outfit, it is tasteful – both in terms of colors and prints, as well as how much skin it is revealing. Garish, loud and trashy are words that are not in her vocabulary, principles, or her fashion closet.
She knows that there’s nothing wrong with the beauty of the female body, or dressing however she wants, but she is aware that the image she presents to the world greatly affects how she is perceived, and in consequence, how she is treated. She likes maintaining a level of mystery and refinement, and feels no need to show so much skin that there is nothing left to the imagination and only gives the wrong ideas – even if such judgement is wrong by itself in the eye of the beholder.
This is not about taking hours every day getting ready for the day. It’s about putting in a little effort every day by arranging your hair, making sure all your clothes are clean and pressed, and simply said you look like you take care of yourself and your appearance. When you put in the effort, it’s a sign of self-respect as well. Because when you don’t, it gives other people the message that you don’t really respect and value yourself enough to take care of yourself, right?
3. Tact and Diplomacy

Classy ladies know that great minds discuss ideas, and small minds discuss people. Talking about people behind their back is distasteful, and just the wrong karma that a glow up queen does not need in her life! As such, they have no trouble shutting down such conversation in a tactful and efficient way. If they have something to say, they will say it to the person’s face, in a diplomatic manner. You don’t have to swallow your words, but neither do you need to be painfully blunt about it. Being classy means you know how to walk the fine line between the two.
And lastly, how do you deal with people who do enjoy gossiping as a habit? Simple, you respond graciously by only providing a brief positive/kind input, and gently redirecting the subject. Don’t fan their curiosity by engaging. It’s not your business who’s doing what, unless they’re a friend or acquaintance, and even then you don’t air their business in public with anyone other than the person itself.
4. Graceful and Self-aware

Cool and collected, a classy woman has her wits about her. She never gets so drunk that she faints or throws up. However angry she may be, she never makes a public scene, be it with friends, a partner, or family – she knows there is a gracious way about handling conflicts or arguments, and it’s not at the expense and discomfort of other people in the street, or furthermore not in a way that you’re exposing the other person to the ridicule of the public (or your own).

She knows that there is an elegant way about behaving, and at the same time that she can still be human and herself. If she acts foolishly, she knows mistakes can happen and simply handles the situation in a graceful manner, and makes sure to apologize to the person/people inconvenienced if that is the case (ie. being late to an event, accidentally spilling wine on a friend’s favorite, fancy table cloth, having to cancel plans with an eager acquaintance/friend, etc). It’s all about being thoughtful and considerate.
5. Smiling

Everybody likes people that smile easily and naturally. It’s charming, it lifts up the spirits, and it makes everyone feel good, right? A classy woman knows that one of her greatest strength and charm is simply her smile. This does not mean to force it – never force anything, ladies. It should came naturally, or if you make a habit of it and it feels right. When you smile with confidence, you radiate with beauty. It doesn’t matter if your teeth are slightly crooked, or you don’t quite like the way your gums look or even your overall smile. If you have healthy teeth, there’s no reason to hide your beautiful smile.
And if you don’t? Don’t be afraid to level up your smile too! If you don’t feel confident or don’t find your smile bright enough, step out of your comfort zone, do your research, and get any relevant treatments done. There’s nothing shameful or embarrassing about things like teeth whitening, wearing braces to straighten your teeth or any other such treatments. Nor is there an age limit. There are so many options available on the market nowadays, there’s something bound to suit your tastes (invisible braces are the most convenient). Whether you’re 20, 30 or 50, it’s never too late to start. And in fact, it is very brave and empowering to start, and you should feel proud of yourself for investing in yourself in all the ways that you can.
7. Eloquence

Classy ladies are well-spoken and suave, they know what to say and when to say it. Whether it’s excusing themselves from the restaurant table to use the restroom, or cancelling a coffee appointment with a friend, or any other social convention, they are prepared for it.
They also don’t stumble over their words in a rush to get their point across, because what that relays to other people is that what you have to say is not important and so you are rushing through it. Instead, classy ladies speak in a clearly enunciated, charismatic manner, because what they have to say is valuable and deserves attention.
Lastly, they avoid profanity, pay attention to good grammar, and always seek to elevate their vocabulary and speech through the use of extensive reading.
2 Responses
This is a very good read. Thank you!
Thanks for posting this. I needed this reminder. Best wishes all the way from Colombia.