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Toxic Representations Of Love In Media

All these unhealthy representations of love in books and media replaying outdated patterns, cycles and hurting each other all ‘in the name of love’? I’m over it. I’ve been over it since 2017.

Write about couples that are teamplayers ready to brave the whole world for each other. Write healthy representations of flawed individuals working through their stunted emotional awareness, those toxic behavioral patterns ingrained by social conditioning.

Even better yet, write about couples that are above and beyond all that, individuals that have worked consciously and carefully at healing themselves by themselves instead of forcing their partner to play the role of a therapist in a mutually draining and destructive cycle.

Write about couples (regardless of gender or race or anything else) that value the sacredness of love and recognize that what matters most is healing and growing and supporting each other’s development. It’s not about proving who’s right, or stunted emotional development, or playing games or inability to communicate. All of these plot devices only work so far, and I’m sure we’re tired of them.

Books and media are so potent. It’s human nature to absorb what we are exposed to, life imitates art imitates life in a continuous cycle. If you’re an artist, show how it can be better. Healthy does not equal artificial or uninteresting. People need healthy and inspiring representation.

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Whenever I find these tropes and setups in media, personally I lose interest. It’s 2020 and it’s time to aim higher because we deserve better – not just better content to expose ourselves to, but also better rolemodels for those that are younger or are yet lacking substantial experience to rely on. The daily content that movies and TV shows present through on-screen relationships, scenarios, narratives, they all influence us and leave a conscious or unconscious impression.

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Healthy relationships in media are inspiring, empowering, validating. It shows everyone that there is a healthy way to be in a loving relationship. There is an emotionally-intelligent and effective and honest way of communicating. It’s all possible, and it’s time to translate these new ideals onto the media we consume: our books, TV shows, movies, poetry, everything.

Let art inspire us, so we may be inspired by art in return.

Much love always...

💋 Lumen

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