photography of woman surrounded by sunflowers

When you embody your authentic self…

  • …and know there is infinite abundance for all your needs – you feel protected, safe and know all your physical needs will be cared for.
  • …and embrace the beauty and power of your body – you feel comfortable and confident in your own skin.
  • …and honor who you are as an individual – you feel integrated into the universe as a worthy participant and confidently know and follow your purpose. 
  • …and express your emotions, both softness and anger – you feel light and unburdened, from the healthy and liberated flow of emotions.
  • …and voice your truth – you feel empowered and connected to the world.
  • …and follow your intuition and beliefs – you feel a greater, deeper connection with the universe and know there is a higher purpose to everything.

Much love always...

💋 Lumen

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