planning new year 2021 strategy glow up level up self development bossbabe

7 Things You Should Do Before The New Year

My dear glow-up queens from all over the world, as you know the new year is right around the corner. With just a bit remaining of this year, many of you may be wondering “What can I do to prepare for the new year?”.

I’m sure you are familiar with years when Halloween, Christmas and New Years Eve flies by and you wake up in the first weeks of January in an anxious rush, feeling like you should be making Big Changes and filling your calendar and planner with Big Goals for the year… and you no longer know where to start!

The best way to get ahead is start in due time. So if you haven’t done any of the below yet, don’t fret! There’s still time. If your schedule allows, dedicate a day to honour this time of release of the old in preparation for the new. And if you’re a busy queen bee working a 9-to-5 and strategising for some side hustles in the meantime, or juggling family life to boot, no worries, just carve out a few hours on a weekend.

Remember ladies, this is part of your selfcare routine. This is you getting rid of all the things you don’t want to bring with you into the new year. Don’t wait until January rolls in to start this process. This is you saying goodbye to people you no longer want to keep in your life. This is you cleaning both your physical and mental space so that you can direct your energy towards your future, instead of wasting more time and effort on the past.

1. Level Up Your Wardrobe

capsule wardrobe minimalism new year planning reorganizing culling wardrobe glow up

Depending on how big your wardrobe is, culling your wardrobe may take a while.

If you’re a minimalist, you’re already experienced with the idea of capsule wardrobes and it’s easy at this point to refresh your collection.

If that’s not the case and you have a lot to work with, you can start by going over your collection section by section and asking the following questions:

– would you want to be seen by the man of your dreams wearing this item?
– do you feel confident and ‘in your element’ while wearing it?
– have you worn this item in the past 6-12 months?
– is it in good state (does it have any frayed edges, washed out colours, or is coming undone)?
– does it resonate with the persona you want to become, your new style, new aesthetic, new mindset? what that new you wear this?

If the answer is no to any of these, perhaps it’s time to let it go. Sell, donate or throw away the items you no longer want to bring into the new year.

If you want to go further in leveling up your wardrobe – think minimalism, capsule wardrobe, how to create your signature style and curate your signature wardrobe – I’ll be sharing tips and tricks on this in upcoming articles. After 2 years of research and test & trial, I’ve got it down to a science. A messy wardrobe that felt like a hassle at first, has now turned into a capsule wardrobe that is highly satisfying. I can mix and match everything in minutes because they’re strategically selected to all fit together, and the end result is looking polished & put together any day – all in my signature style and aesthetic of course.

2. Delete contacts

contacts addressbook people release toxic relationships healing recovery glow up new year planning

Delete old contacts from your address book, whether it’s from your phone or laptop. Delete any contacts that you/they haven’t spoken to in over 6-12 months. Any old friends, lovers, colleagues, classmates, acquaintances that you don’t want to keep.

Maybe the mutual dedication is lacking. Maybe their energy is off, or their scarcity mindset is just holding your bossbabe vibe off and you no longer zing in any way. Whatever the case, click delete and move on!

3. Clean your digital space

deleting contacts addressbook level up glow up selfcare new year planning 2021

This can mean something as simple as cleaning up your desktop, or deleting loads of files you no longer need, uninstalling applications or plugins, or even doing a routine disk clean-up. Do whatever helps you get that desktop fresh & juicy, to inspire you with motivation each time you go about your daily routine.

At the end of it all, switch things up with a fancy wallpaper that boosts your confidence whenever you see it. Opt for quotes that inspire you, reminders that resonate with you, or even just luxurious visuals which emulate the future you.

4. Deep-clean your home

Dust all surfaces, wipe down all furniture, do your whole laundry, change the sheets, clean everything. At the end of it all, leave the windows open to let fresh air into your home, and light a candle to attract abundance and positive energy. You don’t want to bring that stale energy into the new year.

clean home cleansing energy purification glow up level up planning new year

5. Release the old

journaling planning goals strategy new year glow up self development 2021

Pull out your journal or diary and pour out your heart’s content onto those pages. Write down all your sorrows or wandering thoughts. Write down a list of all the things you have achieved this year, all the things you have learned – think positive, express gratitude for the positive aspects, meditate over all your accomplishments. You should be proud of yourself boo! It has been a rollercoaster year and yet here you are, you made it through (and then some).

In short, unburden yourself of all the thoughts and emotions swirling in your mind, by writing them down. It’s highly therapeutic.

6. Plan for the new

journaling planning goals strategy new year glow up self development 2021

It’s time for goal-planning, baby! This is all about you. What do you want your life to look like in several months, half a year, in a year or more? Write it down. What job do you want, what do you want to accomplish? Write it down. What self development areas would you like to focus over in the upcoming year? Write it down!

It doesn’t have to be an extensive or complicated list. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Stick to 10, max 20 goals at most. You can polish the details later, you don’t have to figure out all the steps to make those goals happen right now.

But just having those goals clearly stated out loud, black ink on white paper, is the first step in acknowledging that you want to make them happen. By getting clear on your goals right now in December, before January even rolls around, you will save yourself a lot of headache or anxiety or decision fatigue that often pours in by the first weeks of the new year.

7. Moodboard

moodboard glow up vision planning new year

This is a delicious way to prepare for a new year, and use the Law of Attraction to your advantage. If you’re short on time, you can skip point 5 and focus on 6, but for best results in manifesting your dream life and smashing those goals you’ve set for yourself, you should first clearly define those goals, and then surround yourself with visuals that inspire and motivate you every day.

My recommendation? The most potent moodboard is a digital one: your laptop/phone wallpaper! Go on a fun browsing frenzy on We Heart It or Tumblr or Pinterest, collect all the photos that resonate with you into a folder, and use that folder for your desktop wallpaper slideshow.

Other ways to curate a moodboard of your goals is through your own Tumblr, WeHeartIt or Pinterest account. It can essentially be used as an online moodboard archive for: fashion, lifestyle, romance/relationships, career, etc.

moodboard planning new year visionboard glow up luxury abundance positivity success

Lastly, a more traditional approach is crafting a literal board with sticky notes, printed photos, quotes and other memorabilia that inspires you – and placing it in a location where you will be most exposed to it, such as above your bed or desk.


new year planning selfcare glow up level up self development

Darlings, I hope this article inspires you to tidy up, in whatever smaller or greater measure and plan for the new year. This week, I too will be joining the mindful, meditative ritual of reviewing what I wish to bring with me into 2021, and what I decisively choose to leave behind.

Wishing you a happy Winter Solstice, Merry Christmas, or happy holidays – whatever reasonates more dearly with you.

Much love always...

💋 Lumen

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One Response

  1. The perfect way to end the year and get into the new one. These are useful tips and information that helps you get more organised and motivated for future challenges ❤️

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