Learning how to look classy and elegant is an art, but it’s not rocket science. Anyone can do it with time and effort.
It is about investing thought and care into your appearance and building on the foundation of your natural beauty – while also taking advantage of aesthetic principles, basic etiquette, and timeless fashion tips. All of these things combined contribute to an air of elegance that, once mastered, will make you memorable and perhaps even unforgettable by all those you encounter.
In times when so many people throw on a wrinkled t-shirt, some ripped jeans, and sneakers that have braved many dusty roads or dirt-trodden paths without respite, and call it “fashion” – in such times, those that pay a little more attention to their appearance immediately stand out.
It’s like a universal cheatcode. Use that to your advantage, ladies.
Here are quick, easy tips to always look classy and polished, and which you should make a daily habit of. Once it becomes a habit, you won’t even question it – looking put together will come like second nature.
1. Cultivate a capsule wardrobe

I mention this a lot, as having a signature style and a capsule wardrobe is a staple of elegance. Because it means you have already built the foundation for a physical glow-up: what colors and patterns suit you, what style empowers you, what items flatter you.
If you have no awareness over these things, you may lose a lot of precious time and nerves on throwing together a polished outfit on the spot. Taking the time to discover and explore what works for you will transform your appearance, and it’s always worth the effort.
2. Dress functionally

A dress and high heels may sound universally elegant, but if you are going on a touristic walk to visit art museums and other landmarks, that touch of class will be overshadowed by its impracticality.
A classy woman always considers function and pragmatism, she doesn’t just blindly apply the same principles to every occasion. She knows how to look classy for each occasion, and derives reassurance and confidence in that fact. When you have an understanding of social etiquette, you are more at ease. Why? Because you know how to navigate the labyrinth of daily social contexts.
3. Attention to your shoes

Attention to footwear is often overlooked. Always double-check your shoes to make sure they are clean, polished and generally taken care of, as per the instructions respective to the materials used in the shoe. That way, you present a prim appearance while also taking care of your carefully curated capsule wardrobe.
4. Ironed clothes are classy

Another no-brainer, smoothing any wrinkles from a shirt or pants makes all the difference in your appearance. You could be wearing something as simple as a white button-up shirt and black cigarette pants with heels, and you’ll look like a solid 10/10.
5. Lint-free clothes look polished

As an avid cat-lover, having fluff all over my clothes comes with the territory… which is why I always keep lint rollers at hand. Classy people pay attention to details.
6. Tidy hair is elegant

Whether it’s set in a ponytail, a bun, or another style that suits your hair’s needs specifically, just make sure it has a tidy, structured look to it, and it is moisturized and free of split ends. In alignment with having a capsule wardrobe and signature style, doing research on what styles work best for your hair type will level up your appearance to a completey new degree.
Work with your natural beauty, instead of against it! If you have curly hair, on your off days wear protective styles that flatter your face and are feminine and chic.
For straight hair, embrace the sleek “clean girl” look and make the most of it.
And if it’s wavy and frizzy, you have several options. You can smooth it down, straighten it or give it a more structured look via your favorite styles, since you can go either way without compromising the health of your hair.
The point is to explore hairstyles until you find one that is practical, sustainable, and elegant.
7. Don’t forget about details

Learning how to look classy is also about having an effective beauty regime in place. Taking care of your nails, skin, hair, whatever that means for you. Details may seem trivial, but together they can make or break your look.
You can DIY it, or you can go to salons and specialists.Eeither way, remember that you don’t have to overcomplicate the act of having a beauty regime. It is enough if you use an exfoliant and moisturizer that works for your skin, keep your nails bare but neat and filed, and your hair nourished.
You can always go extra later! But build good, sustainable habits first.
8. Planning your outfit

This tip builds on all the others, and it is about having a methodical approach to your look. The night before a particular occasion, plan your look, including the previously mentioned tasks. Whether it’s an appointment, walk in the park, going to work or anything else, it’s a useful habit. Iron out any creases, tidy up any shoes, pick out the jewelry to wear. You can even choose the appropriate perfume for the occasion. For instance, avoid heavy, overpowering perfumes for professional or business events… unless it’s Chanel of course (I prefer Coco Noir).
This preparation can take anywhere between 10-30 min, but those thoughtful 10 minutes will give you an instant headstart the next day! It will also give you peace of mind and confidence.
Rushed, stressed and insecure is not an elegant look! So if you can choose, why not choose to plan ahead and dress for success as a boss babe would?
Until next time darlings,