Classy elegant dark-skinned woman having coffee

4 Cheatcodes That Elevate Your Life Instantly

Have you ever wondered if there’s a secret list of cheatcodes that perhaps everyone else knows but you don’t? If you view life from a playful and strategic perspective, it makes sense that there are certain habits, tactics and behaviours which, when implemented, will elevate your life to a completely different degree.

These things are not just for anyone. It’s for people that value having a growth mindset, who are always looking for ways to improve their lives, and who view their self as their greatest investment, a lifelong project that is always worth working on. If that is you, here are some secrets that once you understand, you’ll see why they have to power to change how others see and treat you, and consequently your life quality as well.

1. Dress elegantly


If a man wears a business suit, or a woman wears a classy dress and heels, there’s no event, occasion or location where they’re underdressed.

When you’re dressed for success, success follows you.

Whether we like it or not, people react differently to those that look their best, as opposed to having some casual jeans and sneakers thrown on.

There are even studies and experiments done to test this theory, and they all claim the same: suiting up in your best will change your life as it reverberates over all other aspects of your life. Confidence, relationships, career, selflove, and many more. They all interconnect and improve your daily life.

Why not take advantage of this cheatcode and ensure you always get the best treatment? Besides, you feel good in showing up into the world as your best.

2. Be nice


This may seem like a no-brainer for some, but in all truth, being polite, friendly, approachable goes a long way. As social creatures, we are innately driven to connect with others, to feel validated and appreciated. Complimenting a co-worker on their outfit of the day may just earn you extra points so that they’ll be happy to return to favour when you need help with a task. Smiling at the grocery store cashier and wishing them a lovely day may ease their dreary mood and shift their thoughts from being overworked and fatigue, to a brighter disposition. Just being friendly and shining a light on other people will make you stand out so that others will appreciate your presence, look forward to seeing you, listening to you, spending time around you.

Simple because when you’re around, they feel appreciated, validated and uplifted. Any perks that come from this are wonderful, and valid for this article’s point, just make sure you are being authentic in your kindness. If it doesn’t come naturally to you, just start small, and say positive things you mean. The rest will follow, and you’ll see how the energy that others regard you with will change.

Bottom line? Being nice opens doors. Nobody likes moody, cranky people that never have a gentle word to share.

3. Act like you’re on a mission


You may be surprised at how many things you can get away with doing, by acting like you’re on a mission. It’s about body language, confidence, and owning the room. Wherever you may be, whether it is strolling through the office, trying out a new club, browsing a store or exploring a new city and feeling admittedly lost — as long as you carry yourself with purpose and self-assurance, people won’t question your presence there. To them, you will look like an individual who is busy and knows what they’re doing, and consequently they’ll stay out of your way by general rule.

I’ve heard of so many examples of bold, daring people who used this tactic to achieve their goals. Another example is an acquaintance calling a company they wanted to work at but had little hope for since their CV didn’t quite qualify — and so what they did was call HR to confirm their appointment time, and in all the company’s confusion and befuddlement in not finding one, they scheduled (a new) one. Guess what happened . . . They got the job!

Never underestimate the power of confidence.

However, if you look confused, cowered, shifty-eyed, you’ll raise questions and eyebrows as to what is going on, and what your intention is, wherever you may be.

This all boils down to our genetic make-up. We’re naturally drawn to people that exude confidence, power, leadership. Instinctively, we look to them for direction, for clarity, for guidance, and we also associate leadership skills and power with trust. And so, when we glimpse such individuals in a crowd or at work or anywhere else, we naturally assume it is a leader-figure and we adopt the appropriate reaction: one of esteem and obedience.

In other words, own the room and everything will sail so much smoother than if you allow yourself to be the prey of your self-consciousness. Own it, don’t question it, and others won’t either.

4. State facts, not emotions


In interpersonal relations — with acquaintances, friends, colleagues or a partner — making a habit of stating your preferences as facts, instead of revealing your emotions about the situation, will make a huge difference. Now, this is not a tactic to use with everyone; it has a time and a place, and in fact it should only be used sparingly outside of deep connections, because it’s good to be authentic, open and vulnerable with a partner.

When you state what you want as a fact (“Let’s meet at 6 PM at that restaurant.”), you leave no space for negotiation on the other hand. You’ve made your case, they can either go along or propose a new time and place. However, when you share your feelings on the situation (“I don’t feel very excited about going to that location, plus I have to pick up a friend at 5. Maybe later I suppose? But a different place — what do you think?”), you offer an array of details that the other person can debate. They may question why you feel that way, or invalidate how you feel, in order to sustain their initial proposition. They may ask more questions about the pickup, or even reiterate their proposition since you asked what they think. Do you see where this is going?

When you state a fact, it’s non-negotiable.

5. Persist until you succeed


A highly underrated key to success is perseverance. A lot of successful people didn’t achieve their goals because they were the most qualified, had the best results, or the most charisma. It was simply that they didn’t give up! Contest participants often go back year after year, improving their skills, until they do succeed. Writers by general rule are eternal students and always honing their craft. Artists get better with each brushstroke, each new sketch added to their portfolio. The more you practice something, the better you get at it.

It only follows that a skill evolving with time, combined with stubbornness, makes for a solid recipe for success.

It is the people that don’t take no for an answer (clearly professionally speaking, not in any other case) that go far and wide. It is the people that don’t give up after a door is slammed in their face — or the second, or third. In fact, they’re the kind of people that like to boss up, out of spite if nothing else, only to return and buy the whole damn building. Because that’s what boss ladies do.

It is the people that refuse to give up no matter how many times they seem to fail, because they understand that they only truly fail when they stop trying. That does however include knowing when to pivot, to make changes, to improve your approach or skills, in order to have better chances at achieving your goals. But it’s still holding to your plan, and refusing to quit the ring when the going gets tough.

What do you think about about these cheatcodes? Have you ever used them throughout your daily life, and if so, how has it helped you to level up? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Much love always...

💋 Lumen

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