How to set your blog up for success

Essential Plugins to Set Your Blog Up For Success (Blogger Series)

Since starting my blog, I have spent many long hours and late nights researching the perfect plugins. I knew that I didn’t want to waste time switching to different ones, nor did I want the hassle of buggy plugins that would only give me headaches in the long run. If you’re a brand new blogger (or even a seasoned one), I’ve listed all the plugins you’ll need in order to set your WordPress blog up for success – from the start.

blogging tips advice how to guide bloggers beginners

My Routine as a Blogger (Blogger Series)

1. Know your area of focus This means knowing/having a list of topics and keywords ready that you will be focusing on as a blogger. For instance, for me my main categories are: selfcare and

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How to Start a Blog from Scratch in 6 Steps

Whether you want to build a new business, monetize your blog, or just want to take up blogging as a hobby, I’ve got your back. I made my blog from scratch and I’m going to