Self Sabotage

3 Ways We Self Sabotage & How To Stop It

I know a thing or two about self sabotage. In fact, the sad thing is that almost everyone does. Self sabotage is when you consciously or, most often, unconsciously follow an action or choice by which you are essentially betraying yourself. These choices are in the detriment of your physical, mental or emotional health. It may involve boundaries, it may involve doing things you know cause great stress. It may even mean going back to a toxic ex or friends, out of the wrong reasons.

toxic love unhealthy relationships media on screen tv show movie

Toxic Representations Of Love In Media

All these unhealthy representations of love in books and media replaying outdated patterns, cycles and hurting each other all ‘in the name of love’? I’m over it. I’ve been over it since 2017. Write about couples that are teamplayers ready to brave the whole world for each other. Write healthy representations of flawed individuals working through their stunted emotional awareness, those toxic behavioral patterns ingrained by social conditioning.

art by S.K. Lumen ethereal heavenly love twilight trippy entwined hands

How do you know you’ve found the one?

To all the romantics and beyond, so many people wonder if the person they’re with is the right one. If there is anything better waiting out there, how to fix and mend the other, how

photo of couple standing on water
Glow Up

Toxic vs. healing relationships

When two people come together with broken halves… … it is a bond of need. Hunger meets hunger. Each reaches into the other with urgency, with hunger, searching desperately for meaning and fullness that will