beautiful woman eating a meal on a cruise
Glow Up

High Value Woman Formula: The 4 Key Pillars

Are you passionate about leveling up, but found yourself daunted by the overwhelming list on how to become a high value woman? Don’t fret, you’re probably not the only one! It may sound complicated 
at first glance, but when you truly understand what it’s about, the high value woman formula is… quite simple.

In this article, I will show you an easy and concise roadmap to becoming the woman of your own dreams. Let’s get started.

Healthy secure relationships

What does a healthy relationship look like?

Disagreements may still appear even in healthy relationships, and it’s ok, as communication is essentual for a healthy dynamic. However, his approach to disagreements is a secure one: each will share their perspective.

And if feelings were hurt or mistakes were made, he takes accountability for his side, and makes genuine apologies followed by reparations and direct actions (ie. “I’m sorry I did x, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I will be/do y in the future”, and then does as he promised).

dreamy woman looking away sensually
Glow Up

Classy Ladies Keep These 11 Things Private

In today’s world of oversharing every single detail of one’s life, the secret to stand out as a lady of class and self-possession, to protect your privacy, as well as to maintain your allure of exclusivity and mystery, is this: keep your private business your own.

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Glow Up

High Value: Misconceptions, What It Is and What It Isn’t

The High Value concept is not an a-ha! sticky note to pull out as dating strategies that have an eskewed perception of what a healthy relationship or dating should be like. Other people don’t get to decide that being a career woman, or being highly intelligent or knowledgeable, is “low value” of you – that’s their eskewed perception of what a woman should be like. And although that is generally an unhealthy mindset (because in a proper healthy relationship, both partners support each other’s growth, whether personal or professional), it is their subjective belief, one which you don’t need to argue, agree, or invest any energy in. Let them believe what they wish. You already know your value, darlings, and it’s not dependent on other people’s contorted beliefs. It’s only dependent on your beliefs on your own value. Know the difference.

ride or die relationship mentality mindset dating couple love romance motorbyke
Glow Up

Why The “Ride or Die” Mentality Is Self-Sabotage

What is the ride or die mentality? It’s the mentality that you should be unconditionally loyal to the other person (whether it’s a friend, family member, or romantic partner), no matter what happens. What does this look like? If your partner goes into debt, you’re there to bail him out. If he slips up and cheats, you overlook it because he loves you so very much and apologised a thousand times. If a baby mama pops up out of nowhere, you learn to live with it (please don’t, you deserve more than being a side lady). If he has no job and needs a place to stay and he’s so nice to you, you offer to let him stay at your place for “just a few days” that eventually turn into months as he mooches off of you…

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Glow Up

8 Dating Commandments Of The High Value Woman

With so many women awakening to their true potential and value, it’s the perfect time to reassess your dating approach to make sure that you’re not wasting your time, giving chances to the wrong men, undercutting yourself from the beginning, or crossing your own boundaries. A healthy relationship is one where you make your high standards clear, and accept nothing less than what you deserve.

glow up level up self development selfcare selflove sk lumen

How to be a High Value Woman

If being classy is the first level of your level up journey, then being a high value woman is the second one. In this article, we will be analyzing the qualities of a high value woman, but also focusing on tips on how to improve yourself in the areas where you are struggling. After all, we’re all looking to improve ourselves in practical and measurable ways, and not just daydream about an ideal higher self. If you want to see how to elevate yourself to that level, keep reading.